About us


MTM is part of GRUPO CIPSA, a successful family-owned corporation currently managed by the second and third generation, dedicated to the manufacture of a wide range of construction equipment solutions for the North, Central, and South American markets.

The company was founded in 1950 to manufacture small cement mixers. During the 70s and 80s, the company experienced rapid growth, thanks to an aggressive strategy for the domestic market and the signing of agreements with leading companies in Europe and the USA for the sale and production of compaction equipment, cranes, and mixers for both the domestic and international markets.


Achieving excellent solutions through:

Continuous improvement.

MTM Continuous improvement.


MTM Innovation

High quality standards

MTM High quality standards

Focus on risk prevention.

MTM Focus on risk prevention.

MTM is a leading company dedicated to the manufacturing and sales of refuse packer equipment, concrete mixing, and mobility, focused on meeting the growing expectations of stakeholders in terms of quality, cost, and delivery times; complying with the requirements applicable to our organization.

We hire talent that adds value to the brand, adhering to the organization’s values. We do business with a long-term vision, projecting expansion into new markets.

Currently, MTM is divided into two manufacturing plants:

MTM Nosotros

Plant MTM Monterrey

  • Start of operations on August 1st, 2017, currently has a production capacity of 6 drums and 2 complete mixers per day.
  • Production for the U.S. markets (OEM and aftermarket).
  • Mixer line (Mounted Mixers for export) and line of spare parts and complete drums.
  • The location of the MTM Monterrey plant allows for export to the United States (2 hours from the border) and Latin America (6 hours from the Mexican port (Altamira) in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The volume it produces allows for cost reduction and freight optimization.
  • Has ISO 9000-2015 certification.
MTM Nosotros 2

Plant MTM Puebla

  • It was founded in 1981 to supply the Mexican requirements for Mixers and Packers. Starting in 2001, the plant began exporting to LATAM.
  • Its production is mainly focused on the Mexican and Latin American markets through the following lines of equipment:
    • Line of concrete mixers (mounted and dismounted)
    • Line of refuse packers (mounted and dismounted and CKD)
    • Spare parts line (Complete drums and CKD, welded)
  • Production capacity: 4 units (mixers or packers) per day
  • The current annual production (local + export) is 550 Packers and 250 Mixers.
  • ISO 9001-2015 certification.